| As you all may or may not know!
I am a huge reader and decided to try my hand an writing some reviews. I have read more books than I can remember so I think it is about time. I like giving my opinion so we will see how this goes. I will be posting them over at my new blog (Let's call it my sister blog) Love Books- My Book Reviews.
So all you followers out there, check it out. Go follow that one. Like I said, I am just starting, but someday I hope to have authors guest post and maybe do some give aways. We'll see how it goes.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
I Love Book Giveaways!
Especially when I win them! I won a copy of Sweet Possession by Maya Banks from a contest Jaci Burton did on her blog. I was so excited when I got the email, hubby was laughing at me. I can not WAIT for this book to arrive in my mail!
Thanks again to Jaci Burton for holding the contest that allowed me to win this!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I Love...My Job? NO! (Fiction by my friend Apasoha)
Welcome to The Fifth Level of Hell.
I work in THE FIFTH LEVEL OF HELL. So lets call the spot I work in: Fifth Level of Hell Cantina. I spend my days working in a dingy cavern that is forevermore tinged red by the fires of hell. I, half human/half demon, have been consigned to the Fifth Level of Hell for punishment for so slight an infraction that over the centuries I have forgotten what it was.
The cavern where the cantina is located (did I mention dingy; tinged red; HELL?) has been in Hell for eons. Never updated, never upgraded. Lucifer, the boss, ignores us unless it is convenient for him. Currently many things are on the fritz, ready to fritz, or fritzed so long ago it is a distant memory that they ever worked at all.
Still we are expected to give the best level of service to our demon patrons. In fact they expect it and when expectations are not met...All HELL breaks loose. (Pun intended.) My fellow internees and I do our best. The degree with which we each hate our job is fairly equal. Hey, in this day and age, there aren't a lot of options. So we struggle on finding fugacious happiness as we can.
Lucifer, when he deigns to grace us with his presence, prances around with his solid gold, diamond encrusted pitchfork. He is more interested in listening to show tunes and hanging at the local gym than listening to any employee complaints. He waltzes around: his overly large, forked tail twitching with every word that spews from his mouth.
Every day the same: Welcome to the Fifth Level of Hell Cantina. It is my pleasure to serve you today.
Today was especially dreary in the Fifth Level of Hell. Even our patrons were unusually surly. The cook, Kazbakar, threw slop on a plate with abandon. The dishwasher, Rolakar, came to work looking as if he had stopped and wallowed in the mud of the demon horse stables before coming to work. While I, I could barely keep from screaming, so great was my disgust at yet another day in Hell serving ungrateful demons.
I hate my job in The Fifth Level of Hell.
More Fifth Level of Hell Stories to come.
Monday, March 21, 2011
I Love: Books & Contests!
What could be better than combining both? So, comment and be entered to win.

Want to win a brand new Wi-Fi Kindle 3? All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, and you can have your chance! For more chances to win, visit the main contest page. Every participating blog you visit gives you another chance to win!
This post is part of Moira Rogers’ Wild Web Adventure Promo. For full rules and disclaimers, or to hold your own kindle contest, visit the contest post. Winners will be chosen during the first week of April.http://www.moirarogers.com/blog/archives/3473
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
I Love my girls
This is Me, Jules, Amber & Jen at Amber's going away party on Saturday. We all had a blast. I love the occasional and much needed girls night out! That's all, didn't have anything important to say. Here is a couple more for your viewing pleasure.
This is Jen, Amber, Me and Tiff (my little sis)
And there we are being goofy.
Have a great day!
Monday, February 21, 2011
I Love Orange
To show my support I am turning my blog ORANGE for the month of March. (I know, I am a little early)
National Multiple Sclerosis Education & Awareness Month
In November 2010, my life was turned upside down by a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. I am just taking it one day at a time. One way I feel I can help fight this is by participating in the Janesville-Rock River Walk MS 2011. I have formed my team and already we have raised $220.00 in donations. I hope you will join my team or donate to help find a cure for MS. Click the banner above to join/donate.
National Multiple Sclerosis Education & Awareness Month
In November 2010, my life was turned upside down by a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. I am just taking it one day at a time. One way I feel I can help fight this is by participating in the Janesville-Rock River Walk MS 2011. I have formed my team and already we have raised $220.00 in donations. I hope you will join my team or donate to help find a cure for MS. Click the banner above to join/donate.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Forbidden & Once Bitten By: Hope Welsh
Devlin is in love with Sarah before she even knows he exists. When she is injured saving a child he watches helplessly as the now disfigured Sarah withdraws into a solitary life. He can give her back her looks but the price is becoming a vampire. She is unsure at first and he doesn't pressure her. But when the unthinkable happens and she is near death, he is forced to change her to save her. I love that he was going to give her time and decide to be changed for herself, however as we all know, the best laid plans and all that. They are being threatened by the Hunters and fighting the opposition of the Elders. At first I was a little upset because I felt that the story ended a little abruptly with too many unanswered questions.
Once Bitten
Then I began Once Bitten. Boy meets girl in high school and falls in love with her. Fast forward. Bailey has just gotten out of a bad relationship and her friend talks her into going out for the night. There she runs into Bennett the boy from high school. She realizes that the slightly nerdy geek she knew in high school is now a hot hunk with eyes only for her. Bennett is a dominant and Hailey longs to be submissive, she just doesn't know it yet. There are problems. She has a hard time coming to terms with what she wants versus what she thinks is proper. Of course there is still the hunters to overcome and the Elders must be convinced, but with a little help from Carina, an Elder, they overcome the odds.
All in all I loved both stories and would love to see more in this story line. Maybe a little more on Carina.
On a side note:
Here's what I love about Hope Welsh (and many other of my favorite authors) They make themselves accessible. I interact with them on Facebook and Twitter. It lets you know there is an actual person putting their blood, sweat, tears and effort into these books. I think it makes the enjoyment of the books, that much more rich and enjoyable. I can never write like they do so I enjoy and appreciate all the time and effort. Thanks guys!
Devlin is in love with Sarah before she even knows he exists. When she is injured saving a child he watches helplessly as the now disfigured Sarah withdraws into a solitary life. He can give her back her looks but the price is becoming a vampire. She is unsure at first and he doesn't pressure her. But when the unthinkable happens and she is near death, he is forced to change her to save her. I love that he was going to give her time and decide to be changed for herself, however as we all know, the best laid plans and all that. They are being threatened by the Hunters and fighting the opposition of the Elders. At first I was a little upset because I felt that the story ended a little abruptly with too many unanswered questions.
Once Bitten
Then I began Once Bitten. Boy meets girl in high school and falls in love with her. Fast forward. Bailey has just gotten out of a bad relationship and her friend talks her into going out for the night. There she runs into Bennett the boy from high school. She realizes that the slightly nerdy geek she knew in high school is now a hot hunk with eyes only for her. Bennett is a dominant and Hailey longs to be submissive, she just doesn't know it yet. There are problems. She has a hard time coming to terms with what she wants versus what she thinks is proper. Of course there is still the hunters to overcome and the Elders must be convinced, but with a little help from Carina, an Elder, they overcome the odds.
All in all I loved both stories and would love to see more in this story line. Maybe a little more on Carina.
On a side note:
Here's what I love about Hope Welsh (and many other of my favorite authors) They make themselves accessible. I interact with them on Facebook and Twitter. It lets you know there is an actual person putting their blood, sweat, tears and effort into these books. I think it makes the enjoyment of the books, that much more rich and enjoyable. I can never write like they do so I enjoy and appreciate all the time and effort. Thanks guys!
Friday, January 21, 2011
I love: My super talented children
So, yes, this is just a shameless entry bragging about my children.
Miss Pixie has had a busy month between honors choir, her part in her class' performance of Macbeth and poms.
Mr. Caveboy turned 16 this month and has designed a website for the National History Day competition. He will be competing in Madison. Please view it and leave lots of comment love!
http://84890520.nhd.weebly.com/index.html (This is just the partial product. He is still working on the final product)
Thanks for listening!
Miss Pixie has had a busy month between honors choir, her part in her class' performance of Macbeth and poms.
Mr. Caveboy turned 16 this month and has designed a website for the National History Day competition. He will be competing in Madison. Please view it and leave lots of comment love!
http://84890520.nhd.weebly.com/index.html (This is just the partial product. He is still working on the final product)
Thanks for listening!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I Love: Discovering a new Author.
Sometimes it is a recommendation from a friend, sometimes a review you read somewhere, sometimes an ad online catches your eye. You think, now that looks or sounds interesting. You pick up the book and next thing you know, you have another author to love.
For me, it started innocently, with Twitter. Or Facebook, as the case may be. An author I already "liked" on facebook, was cross promoting a fellow author with a "like this person and be entered to win..." So I liked, and entered. In this case one author was Teresa Medeiros. Then she started posting about a book coming out. Goodnight Tweetheart. The whole premise of a couple meeting and falling in love on twitter caught my attention. Of course I bought and loved it. Then I was on Twitter for a "twitter chat" about the book, when I began interacting with one of her other followers.
We seemed to have a similar thought process and long story short we ended up following each other. That's when I realized she was also an author. Hope Welsh. So I checked out her website and her blog. Even longer story short, I ended up reading her latest book Linked.
I LOVED this book. It was a classic "written in the stars" romance with a little paranormal shape shifting thrown in. The book started off with a bang and kept my interest though out! Though my mind kept telling me it was too soon for the couple to fall in love, I couldn't maintain the skepticism because the story just felt right. I have always been a huge fan of romantic mystery. Its only recently that I have become interested in paranormal and urban fantasy. This book managed to have it all for me. All in all for my first read by this author, I was very pleased and plan on reading more.
So, you can buy Linked on Amazon or here on Barnes & Noble.
Go forth and read....and Enjoy!
For me, it started innocently, with Twitter. Or Facebook, as the case may be. An author I already "liked" on facebook, was cross promoting a fellow author with a "like this person and be entered to win..." So I liked, and entered. In this case one author was Teresa Medeiros. Then she started posting about a book coming out. Goodnight Tweetheart. The whole premise of a couple meeting and falling in love on twitter caught my attention. Of course I bought and loved it. Then I was on Twitter for a "twitter chat" about the book, when I began interacting with one of her other followers.
We seemed to have a similar thought process and long story short we ended up following each other. That's when I realized she was also an author. Hope Welsh. So I checked out her website and her blog. Even longer story short, I ended up reading her latest book Linked.
I LOVED this book. It was a classic "written in the stars" romance with a little paranormal shape shifting thrown in. The book started off with a bang and kept my interest though out! Though my mind kept telling me it was too soon for the couple to fall in love, I couldn't maintain the skepticism because the story just felt right. I have always been a huge fan of romantic mystery. Its only recently that I have become interested in paranormal and urban fantasy. This book managed to have it all for me. All in all for my first read by this author, I was very pleased and plan on reading more.
So, you can buy Linked on Amazon or here on Barnes & Noble.
Go forth and read....and Enjoy!
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